Papaya with Shrimp and Curry Mayonnaise

Papaya with Shrimp and Curry Mayonnaise


1 cup mayonnaise

¼ tsp ginger

½ tsp curry powder

1 tbsp Vidal Ice Syrup

1 tsp lime juice

Combine all ingredients, whisk until smooth, and chill.

  • 2 ripe papayas
  • 1 head of lettuce
  • 1 ½ lbs (750ml) fresh, cooked shrimp

Peel and slice papayas, arrange on lettuce with shrimp. Top with curry mayonnaise.

Tony Aspler

"I used the Vidal Ice Syrup as a glaze for pork chops – painted it on while barbecuing -  and it was delicious. Next stop pancakes."

Tony Aspler

Wine Writer

Ice Syrup Media
Ice Syrup Wins Premier's Award for Excellence

Ice Syrup Wins Premier's Award for Excellence